Technical Presentations

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8 presentations for IBR:

Part 1 - Modeling the New York State Grid in EMTP

Author(s): Aboutaleb Haddadi, Hossein Hooshyar
Type:PDF Presentation
Downloaded: 11
Date: 2022-07-21

* 0 vote(s)

Part 1 - Modeling the New York State Grid in EMTP

PART 1 - The New York state electric grid is transitioning to significantly higher shares of inverter-based resources (IBR) to achieve the clean energy goals of customers and the state. To address th... see more

Tag(s): inverter-based resources, interconnection studies, long-term planning, hvdc

Part 2 - Modeling the New York State Grid in EMTP

Author(s): Aboutaleb Haddadi, Hossein Hooshyar
Type:PDF Presentation
Downloaded: 7
Date: 2022-07-21

* 0 vote(s)

Part 2 - Modeling the New York State Grid in EMTP

PART 2 -The New York state electric grid is transitioning to significantly higher shares of inverter-based resources (IBR) to achieve the clean energy goals of customers and the state. To address this... see more

Tag(s): inverter-based resources, interconnection studies, long-term planning, hvdc

Automatic model parameter determination to fit IBR behavior

Author(s): Willy Nzale, Victor Velar
Type:PDF Presentation
Downloaded: 4
Date: 2022-07-21

* 0 vote(s)

Automatic model parameter determination to fit IBR behavior

This presentation shows a tool developed in EMTP to automatically determine the optimal model settings to fit an IBR recorded behavior. The optimization process uses a particles swarm optimization alg... see more

Tag(s): optimization, inverter-based resources, particle swarm optimization, data fit, WECC model

Slideshow of the projects from our grand prize winners

Author(s): Husam Samkari & Rafael Castillo Sierra
Type:On-demand webinars
Date: 2022-02-17

* 2 vote(s)

Slideshow of the projects from our grand prize winners

During this webinar, our two winners of the EMTP® Research Contribution Prize Program 2021 will present their work. The aim of the award is to recognize student contributions to the technology associ... see more

Tag(s): EMTP, Prize winners, IBR, Protection, Power system, Transmission Line, Low frequency,

Optimization of Control Parameters of Grid-Connected PV System in EMTP

Author(s): Bikrant Poudel
Type:Technical Presentation
Date: 2021-09-02

* 0 vote(s)

Optimization of Control Parameters of Grid-Connected PV System in EMTP

It is observed that the controller gain parameters of the PV model have a significant impact on the PV plant’s response during the fault recovery and the PV plant’s interaction with the rest of th... see more

Tag(s): pv plant, ibr, pso, optimization, scripting, pll, inverter control, inverter based resources, DER

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